Tourism is the third largest sector of the global economy. It is one of the industries that has been hit hardest by COVID-19. For many developing countries, the effects have been severe. Travel and tourism were essential sectors before the pandemic, accounting for more than 10 percent of global GDP and millions of jobs worldwide. During the pandemic, not only the economy was hit, but numerous people became jobless.
Implementation Of Features After COVID
As per the experts, the pandemic will one day reach the point where it will keep reducing, but still exist in low immunity areas. Many countries are strictly driving vaccine distribution programs. However, it will take time to get the entire population of the world to get vaccinated. In the meantime, the tourism industry will have to take risks and survive till the pandemic continues to exist.
Let’s discuss what will be the new normal for the tourism industry and what features can help it to overcome the pandemic’s impacts.
Online System

COVID-19 has increased the need for technology within the tourism sector. Digitalization is hugely helping the tourism industry. Earlier, passengers would book their tickets in person or through a travel agent and would carry hard copies of all the documents.
This is now the era of digitalization. Our smartphones can store all the necessary information in a digital format. Moreover, the Government introduced vaccination passports to prevent the spread of COVID. These passports are automatically monitored and updated digitally. The digital check-ins and check-outs are making it more easier and comfortable access to passengers. Additionally, various hotels have transformed their processes digitally to make them more efficient and avoid maximum contact.
According to studies, technologies are encouraging contactless interactions and are becoming even more valuable. Many countries are now using robots instead of waiters and housekeepers on the frontline. Robots are now handling the tasks like housekeeping, catering, delivering food, etc. Such technologies are encouraging and crucial for students to keep themselves updated with the digital skills in the field of tourism and hospitality. Students will get to know the impact of such infectious diseases on the travel industry.
Travel Insurance

Travel insurance protects a passenger from bearing the cost of unexpected situations, such as last-minute cancellations, medical expenditures, or loss of valuables. Insurance companies are immensely helping travelers and ensuring safe travel during and after the pandemic. After the pandemic, these companies are implementing just a few minor changes in the process of insurance such as refunds and cancellations. As a result, more and more people are now preferring to buy travel insurance as compared to pre-pandemic times.
Economic Diversification

Economic diversification helps to build resilience and increase competitiveness. Additionally, the more focus is on the promotion of domestic and regional tourism and the facilitation of a suitable business environment for small and medium-scale enterprises.
Imapact Of COVID On Tourism
Tourism is one of the sectors that is most affected by Covid-19. As a result, the COVID outbreak has negatively impacted the economies, livelihoods, and opportunities of all countries. However, there are a few positive impacts too. Let’s discuss both positive and negative impacts.
Positive Impacts
- There was a huge flow of tourists to local destinations due to the lockdown.
- Travellers explored new places for tourism.
- People preferred vacations in nature-connected places.
- People started travelling more with family and friends.
- There was a massive improvement in people’s mindset related to health, sanitisation, and travel.
- People switched to using more organic products and their eating and lifestyle habits.
Negative Impacts
- Several people lost their jobs in tourism and other sectors.
- Decreased exports.
- Many families lost their loved ones.
- Reduction in buying limit of tourists.
- Travelers preferred short trips instead of long destinations.
- Decrease in funding for biodiversity conservation.
Gradually, as most countries are lifting travel restrictions, tourism slowly restarts in many parts of the world. Health and protection are now the major priorities for travelers and communities. Companies also enforce health protocols wherever possible.
We can transform tourism and enhance its contribution towards a better future only through collective cooperation. We should embrace local values, places, and communities. More focus should be on creating decent job opportunities for everyone and embracing digitalization.

The tourism and Entertainment industries are immensely affected by COVID.
Several countries are planning to support the sustainable recovery of tourism, encouraging digitalisation and switching to a greener tourism system.
1. Restoring the confidence of tourists.
2. Supporting tourism businesses.
3. Promoting domestic tourism.
4. Conveying clear and exact information to businesses and travellers.
5. Creating more resilient tourism.
6. Strengthening communication between countries.